Archive for Theology

Welcome to Grey

In my first post, I would like to state the overall purpose of this blog and what it means to “live in grey.” My desire to create this blog was to give me a place where I could write my thoughts and let people comment on them.  I would like my blog to specifically focus on the areas of theology and philosophy, however I know me, and more than likely this blog will dabble in many different life topics. Still, I think that what I say about life says something about the one who gave us life, so in a sense this blog will be saying theological and philosophical things no matter what. As I said earlier, I want people to comment on what I say so that we can all learn from each other. I would like for this to be a place where people will interact freely with comments that are thoughtful and sincere.

So the question may be asked, “What does he mean when he says that he is ‘living in grey?” To me, “living in grey” is living a life in search of truth. I believe that truths are black and white. However, I do not know if some truths are black or if some truths are white. Grey is the middle ground of the two colors and is a neutral stance (even though we are never completely neutral…we still approach truth with our own unique experiences and presuppostions). I would say that it is not good to remain in grey forever, but if one is actively seaching to know what it is that one truly believes, then I think that living in a state of grey is a good place to be for the time being.

With all that said, I guess there is only one thing left to say…Welcome to Grey.